Video to raise awareness about the cruelty of abandonment

Nutrire has created a video aiming to raise people’s awareness about the abandonment of animals, which is especially important in these times of quarantine. “Not only do we want people to feel sorry for them, but to see what happens around them and do something for these dogs left to their own devices. If it is not possible to adopt them, people could take care of them, take them to the veterinarian, and try to find a home for them,” Leonardo Oliveira, one of the creators of the campaign, says.

Recently, Nutrire donated 4 tons of pet food to NGOs in Minas Gerais, the state where one of the company’s headquarters is located, which also carries out projects at its home base, in Rio Grande do Sul.

“We are doing our part and we invite everyone to do the same. Give support to people who rescue animals in your city, identify the institutions that need help and, if you can’t donate food, offer your time to take care of these dogs and cats in need. And, of course, if you witness abandonment or aggression, report it immediately,” Mr. Oliveira adds.

To watch the video, go to:

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